Spotlight Traders!

Introducing ... Spotlight Traders!
December 7, 2016 by csi4admin
WE ARE VERY EXCITED TODAY TO REVEAL An Incredible New Program for All SFI Affiliates. We call it ... TRADERS Center of Attention.
Spotlight Merchants son The Online Sellers from Around the World that WE HAVE Picked by hand, and that will be SUBJECTING a A New Special Directory to come a TripleClicks. With Time, WE EXPECT: Add Hundreds of Popular Merchants, What Represents Thousands of Products and Services ... is almost ALL Categories You Can Imagine!
Simply Shopping on THESE Merchants' Sites, you can win up to 500 VersaPoints PER MONTH! It's Easy And Tan! Once you have made a request, please submit UN Claim Points. We will verify your Order with the seller and Your VersaPoints will be granted IMMEDIATELY your SFI Affiliate Account!
But that is not all! As you know, as an SFI Affiliate, the TripleClicks pool child Executive Executive of UN Important Component of your compensation. The mayor of the sea The value of the action is, how much your mayor sea go commissions can.
The Merchants Program Spotlight this Designed to Drive Active and Aggressively Value of Shares. It is feasible to, a large part of every Spotlight Merchant sale goes directly to the Executive TripleClicks pool. AND DUE a queue. Much of this will be "not committed", All Shareholders can see the Higher Share Values.
EXAMPLE: An Order of $ 50 is placed with a Spotlight Merchant. For THIS, you will receive Immediate 300 VP. A portion of the $ 50 Payment You pay for your 300 VP, per Assumption. However, a portion is simply deposited in the pool for all Affiliates eligible to participate in SFI. Now imagine miles of Affiliates SFI Patronizing Merchants Spotlight Each month. Pool Share Values ​​could soon start GROWING quickly!


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